Castoriadis, Foucault and autonomy - New Approaches to Subjectivity, Society and Social Change
Tovar Marcela, 2011, London, Continuum, 224pp.

Table of Contents
Introduction 1. Early productions of Cornelius Castoriadis: The Socialisme ou Barbarie Period (1949-1965) 2. Castoriadis’ Ontology of Creation 3. Agency and Autonomy in Castoriadis 4. Michel Foucault: The Game of Power and Resistance 5. Society over the Subject 6. Castoriadis vs. Foucault: Concluding Remarks Bibliography Index
Introduction 1. Early productions of Cornelius Castoriadis: The Socialisme ou Barbarie Period (1949-1965) 2. Castoriadis’ Ontology of Creation 3. Agency and Autonomy in Castoriadis 4. Michel Foucault: The Game of Power and Resistance 5. Society over the Subject 6. Castoriadis vs. Foucault: Concluding Remarks Bibliography Index